
Conception occurs about 2 weeks before your period is due. That means you may not even know you're pregnant until you're more than 3 weeks pregnant. Yet your baby is most sensitive to harm 2 to 8 weeks after conception. This is when your baby's facial features and organs, such as the heart and kidneys, begin to form. Anything you eat, drink, smoke or are exposed to can affect your baby. That's why it's best to start acting as if you're pregnant before you are.

When should I talk with my doctor about pregnancy?

Any time even before you're thinking about getting pregnant. You can talk about your diet, habits, lifestyle and any concerns you have. Plan on visiting your doctor within a year before you want to get pregnant. At that time, you may be given a physical check-up. You and the father-to-be will probably be asked about your medical history. You'll both also have the chance to ask your doctor questions.

Talk to your doctor about healthy eating, vitamin and mineral supplements, healthy weight, exercise, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, What tests may be needed before you get pregnant and other health Other problems or concerns you may have.