Tooth decay

Tooth decay, or dental caries, cause holes or structural damage in teeth. It is a preventable disease for both children and adults.

Tooth decay (holes) can start as soon as teeth appear. It is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria (germs) and left-over food that coats the teeth. If not brushed away, the bacteria in plaque uses the sugar in foods and drinks to produce acid. Over time, this acid dissolves the tooth away causing a hole.

Infants and tooth decay

Infants can experience tooth decay soon after the baby teeth erupt, which is usually between 6 months and 3 years. Tooth decay in infants is sometimes referred to as 'early childhood caries' or 'baby bottle decay'.

As children often have sugary food and drinks, bacteria in their mouth can use these sugars to produce acid that attacks immature tooth enamel. Regular coating of the teeth with sugary foods or drinks by sucking from bottles containing fruit juice or sweet drinks (e.g. cordial and soft drink) or sucking on dummies dipped in sugar syrups (eg. honey) can cause early childhood caries.

Signs and symptoms

The first sign of dental caries may be 'white spots' on the teeth, usually near the gums. At this stage, it is still possible to repair the damage through good oral hygiene practices. If left untreated, these white spots may progress into holes called cavities. Cavities may become stained brown or black, and substantial damage to the tooth structure may occur.


Factors that contribute to tooth decay include:

  • Frequent consumption of sugary foods and drinks.
  • Inadequate levels of fluoride in the mouth—drinking fluoridated water provides a continual source of fluoride to saliva. This fluoride binds with other minerals such as calcium and phosphorous that have been lost from the tooth surface and aids remineralisation. As most people only brush twice a day, fluoride toothpaste does not supply a continual source of fluoride to the mouth.
  • Dry mouth—saliva helps protect our teeth by acting as a reservoir for fluoride and by diluting acids, a dry mouth increases the chance of tooth decay.


Seek treatment from a dental practitioner.


Tooth decay is caused when the bacteria in dental plaque converts sugar and refined carbohydrates into acid. The acid attacks the tooth surface causing minerals from the surface to be lost (demineralisation). The body tries to naturally recover from this 'demineralisation' process by absorbing the lost minerals into the mouth's saliva (remineralisation). This 'attack and recovery' process occurs every time you eat or drink. Tooth decay will develop over a period of time, if the 'attack' outweighs the 'recovery'.


  • Eat well balanced, healthy meals; limit snacking between meals and consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks.
  • Clean teeth thoroughly twice a day using fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and minimise bacteria in the mouth. Spit out excess toothpaste after brushing but do not rinse.
  • Drink lots of water, taking frequent sips throughout the day, drink fluoridated water where possible.
  • Chew sugar-free gum to increase saliva flow.
  • Have regular check-ups by your dental practitioner.

To avoid early childhood caries, follow these tips:

  • If using a bottle, only put breastmilk, infant formula or water in the bottle—avoid sugary drinks like soft drink, coridal or juice.
  • Try to introduce a cup from 6 months and stop using a bottle from 12 months.
  • Plain, cool water is the best drink for toddlers.
  • Never use sweet syrups on a dummy.

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